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  1. B

    Evonode quick start guide

    Thanks again guys. I will certainly do some reading up.
  2. B

    Evonode quick start guide

    Dear Qwizzie and Tfoto, Thanks a lot. I will do some reading up on the subject. If I understand correctly, the evo payout is not made to my wallet payout address?
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    Evonode quick start guide

    Dear Qwizzie and Xkcd, I reveived my first payout from my evo masternode. Strangely, the payout amount was the same as with a regular masternode: 0.89 dash. The evo masternode is running and is recognized as an evo node by the network. Still the payount amount does not match. What is going on here?
  4. B

    Evonode quick start guide

    Dear Qwizzie and Xkcd, I invited a friend who is very knowledgeable on computers. He tried some things, but in the end, he played around with the protx register_evo string (adding quotes etc.) until the transaction went through! We still have not figured out what went wrong with all the previous...
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    Evonode quick start guide

    Dear Qwizzie, Tried it. The protx register_prepare_evo results in exactly the same thing as when trying the protx register_evo command. It just brings out the help screen for the command. No change. I am at a complete loss. I want to try DMT, downloaded it, but since I am not enough versed in...
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    Evonode quick start guide

    Dear Xkcd, Thank you for your continuing support. Really appreciate it. I have always used the "protx register_evo" command. I have never even heard of the "register_prepare_evo" command, nor have I read about this command in the Dash user docs. I will try it. Is this a two-step thing? Should...
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    Evonode quick start guide

    Dear Qwizzie, You stated this: "If your protx register command is incorrect, it will just bring up the help screen for that command (which is what you have been seeing).". Indeed, this is exactly my problem. If there was some insight in what wasn't entered correctly, I would be able to trace it...
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    Evonode quick start guide

    Dear Xkcd, Thank you for your reply. I did all you stated. Used console of my Dash Core Desktop and unlocked it using the passphrase. Did not place quotes (I tried, but it made no difference). Copy / pasted it from notepad. All spaces observed. Every parameter is there. Collateral is there...
  9. B

    Evonode quick start guide

    Dear Qwizzie, Thank you for staying with me through this. Yes, I followed all your instructions. I have done so prior to your response. Everything is set right and is correct. I have gone over the protx register_evo command many times, checked all settings. Ports are open, fee address is funded...
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    Evonode quick start guide

    I am having trouble installing and running DMT. Am on Ubuntu. Have downloaded the zip file but am at a loss on how to proceed. Any input would be welcome. Also, I am still curious why Dashmate setup does not work for me. As stated earlier, dahsmate procides the protx register_evo command, but...
  11. B

    Evonode quick start guide

    Dear Qwizzie, Thank you for your prompt reply. I have not used DMT yet. I will try that out and report back to you. Thanks!
  12. B

    Evonode quick start guide

    Dear XKCD or any other memeber who is willing to help, I have been running a normal masternode for some time. Have no problem setting these up. I am now trying to setup an Evo node. However, I am having some trouble with this and I am very grateful for your input. If this is not the right thread...