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  1. E

    Node Address & Port for Dash Swaps?

    Yes, I've heard this before with other DEXes.
  2. E

    Node Address & Port for Dash Swaps?

    Looking at their website, I don't see XMR listed. Do they support XMR swaps, by chance?
  3. E

    Node Address & Port for Dash Swaps?

    No problem! Part of the motive behind my doing this all is for the learning experience. Of course, there is no necessity that I buy through this Dapp, but I wanted to work through and solve the problem--with help :). I'll put Thorswap on my list of things to look into!
  4. E

    Node Address & Port for Dash Swaps?

    I've successfully completed one swap for just a small amount of Dash, and then placed another offer. The liquidity is fairly low, since the Dapp is still in open beta, but I look forward to getting more, and learning more, about Dash!
  5. E

    Node Address & Port for Dash Swaps?

    Actually, I just got it! I had an extra 9 in the port! My Lord almighty I wasted me (and others) time! Thanks to everyone, again, and my apologies :)
  6. E

    Node Address & Port for Dash Swaps?

    Thanks, I had this already. I currently have the following conf commands: rpcuser=[user] rpcpassword=[password] rpcallowip= rpcport=99999 server=1 Someone on Telegram support said that port 9998 was for the testnet. But the above still does not connect (with either port). I also tried...
  7. E

    Node Address & Port for Dash Swaps?

    Thank you, so much! A few follow ups, if you don't mind: 1) Could you say how you determined the default port? Part of my problem is I do not even know how to begin to find this out. If I understand the general principle, it will help me. 2) what about the "Node address"? Again, how do I go...
  8. E

    Node Address & Port for Dash Swaps?

    Hello: I'm trying to connect Dash Core within Beam's Atomic Swap Dapp. I was first going to use Electrum (which I know how to use), but your Telegram support guided me away from this (no longer supported). It's on a Windows desktop. I've attached a screenshot. Thank you so much. I look forward...
  9. E

    Node Address & Port for Dash Swaps?

    Hey, everyone: I am just getting started in crypto and am trying to install the ability to to do Atomic Swaps with Dash. The dapp is asking me for the Node address and Port. Any help? Thanks!