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  1. L

    What other altcoins are DRKcoiners into?

    Interesting. What kinds of exploits do you have in mind? Computers verifying transactions might have to run the code, so in theory it might be possible to use the block-chain to propagate malicious code. There are all kinds of ways to protect against that (depends on how/where the contracts are...
  2. L

    Help! New Wallet Won't Open

    A quick update: I tried removing DRK from the registry, but that also didn't fix the problem. Any help would be much appreciated!
  3. L

    Help! New Wallet Won't Open

    I downloaded the latest wallet today (upgrading from to, but can't get it to open. When I try to run the new wallet, I get the following error: The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000005). Click OK to close the application. I've tried re-dowloading the wallet...
  4. L

    Clever Idea from HiroCoin

    I just read the last 6 pages of the thread and didn't see any mention about this. Maybe there would be more interest from another switch pool?
  5. L

    DRK-TOR integration?

    Totally. Do you think it would be possible for wallets to do that automatically? In my mind, transactions aren't completely secure unless the IP's of the sending and receiving addresses are both hidden. I've never played with TOR, but my understanding is that it's a big challenge to get it up...
  6. L

    Top 10 Market Cap

    The price is so volatile today, there's no point in trying to predict what it'll do next. Instead of getting hung up comparing the price to what it was five minutes ago, just compare it to what it was five days ago and smile... :)
  7. L

    Top 10 Market Cap

    Tante - I don't do much day trading, but when I do I try to follow the advice of Warren Buffet, which is (paraphrasing) "Be greedy when others are fearful, and be fearful when others are greedy." There are key words on the forums that you can look for which make it really obvious how people are...
  8. L

    Top 10 Market Cap

    It's been a good couple of days. I converted all my mined btc to drk right after the release candidate came out and doubled my money. Now PBOC is doing its bimonthly punking of bitcoin, so I can buy more from the panicking fools!
  9. L

    Clever Idea from HiroCoin

    I guess Hiro wasn't the first to come up with this idea... so who's working on making it happen?! I have to admit I can't stand sifting through the giant bitcointalk thread.
  10. L

    Clever Idea from HiroCoin

    I know, I'm an OK self-taught programmer, but I don't know the first thing about how to set up and maintain a huge stratum server (or any kind of server, for that matter). You'd need to write a switching algorithm (maybe not so hard), automate three-way trades (alt->btc->drk) and payouts...
  11. L

    Clever Idea from HiroCoin

    Right now the strength of the network comes from people mining in spite of the fact that it isn't profitable - in other words, a sort of charity. IMO, there's an inherant insecurity when the interests of the network aren't aligned with the interests of the miners. This would drive up the price...
  12. L

    Clever Idea from HiroCoin

    The HiroCoin devs are working on a really good idea for boosting interest in their coin - a scrypt switchpool that pays out in Hiro instead of Bitcoin. The idea is that since it's less profitable to mine Hiro directly than it is to mine...
  13. L

    DRK / USD now on

    That's awesome - I'd love to see DRK be less vulnerable to bitcoin volatility. Having said that, watch out - if btc skyrockets when you're not looking, someone could snatch up your drk and make a hefty profit.
  14. L

    HeartBleed Vulnerability

    I noticed that there is already a new Bitcoin client that fixes the heartbleed vulnerability. Is DarkCoin also susceptible? If so, when can we expect a fix?
  15. L

    How to make the darkcoin wallet for linux

    Sounds awesome! I'll definitely try it out. Anything that gets me out of having to do full system upgrades is worth a try, especially if the repositories are kept up to date.
  16. L

    How to make the darkcoin wallet for linux

    Hah, shows what I know. What do you like about those particular distributions? I've been using Mint because I don't like the feel of Ubuntu. I tried FreeBSD at one point but felt it was a bit over my head - too much having to compile every little application from source.
  17. L

    What other altcoins are DRKcoiners into?

    There's definitely a lot of hype behind Etherium, but that's a good think if you want to invest in it - they've really done an amazing job of getting people excited about it. I'm also concerned that it could be too hard for people to understand. Hopefully normal people will be able to use the...
  18. L

    How to make the darkcoin wallet for linux

    Thanks, I'm sure that'll be really helpful to a lot of people! I personally prefer to use package manager to install my dependencies - helps to visualize what depends on what, and it's probably easier for the Linux newb. I'd never heard of Archlinux - is that a relatively new distribution?
  19. L

    And now..?

    My hope is they'll decide they'd have more control if they keep Bitcoin in the hands of a few small exchanges rather than totally decentralized.
  20. L

    And now..?

    I get the impression that China is still actively debating what to do about bitcoin, so there's probably more to come from them soon.