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  1. L

    Zero Cash

    I don't use TOR :) A money, where the gvt can create any amount when he want ... why use crypto ? stay to the fiat ...
  2. L

    MPOS 25% larger reward at

    My bad didn't read the info on the pool :)
  3. L

    MPOS 25% larger reward at

    Hi, nice idea, but the 0.1 txfee ... to much for me :( it's like 50% of my daily mining :(
  4. L

    Zero Cash

    Army, Darpa and other shit behind this ... Next !
  5. L

    CCminer X11 mining on NVidia cards

    No i have 2 660 + 1 660Ti but the 750ti should run @2mhs
  6. L

    Missing DRK sent via Darksend

    Don't worry the refund me ;) I was so scared ... ok 14 DRK dont mean billions actually ... but maybe in the future :p
  7. L

    Missing DRK sent via Darksend

    MintPal refund me. That's ok, but it seems that darksend got some problems =/
  8. L

    Missing DRK sent via Darksend

    Hello, at first sorry for my english. (I use v0.10.8.0 Wallet) This morning 5:30 GMT+2 I've sent 3 transaction (6.9966 ; 6.9956 ; 6.9946 DRK) from my wallet to mintpal wallet using the Darksend function. After some hours I've only received the 6.9966 one. After request from Mintpal they can't do...