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    They shipped my order after about ten days
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    After too many massages on email they shipping my order
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    After I converted the full amount of Bitcoins and got a message from the website that the payment was successful When I opened my order list I did not find anything and I communicated several times with them but did not get any response and they did not shipping my order
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    ( better to contact them before buy from official site with full caution..
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    New Baikal miner Quad-CUBE Dropping Contact me for yours

    can I connect them together like quad miners ?
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    Why the earning of Dash mining is going down quickly

    Why the earning of Dash mining is going down quickly everyday less than last day and difficulty of mining is increasing too much ? What is the future of Dash mining ? I have Baikal miners and I feel may there is no earning after few time :(:(:(
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    What is the best and and safest online wallet for Dash ?

    This wallet on Hard disk !? is that mean if I delete the files of program or due to virus on hard disk my coin will losted ?
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    What is the best and and safest online wallet for Dash ?

    What is the best and and safest online wallet for Dash ?
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    What is the best pool for Dash mining ?

    is this website use solo mining ? and what the type of coin when you withdraw the income ?
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    What is the best pool for Dash mining ?

    I have 1650 Mh power What is the best pool for Dash mining ? I aleardy use (Nicehash) but I looking to best one what is your advise ? and waht is the better multi pool or solo ?
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    Mining Rig Rentals

    MiningRigRentals is Faster, smarter, more powerful way to rent or lease mining rigs. Whether you're new and want to try mining out before you buy equipment or you're a veteran looking for more hash at a coin launch. There's a few sites that offer this service out there but by far the best is...
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    Is there a division of Dash?

    Thank you very much
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    Is there a division of Dash?

    How much would be age of Mining And what about the difficulty of mining What is the expected duration to Increase the difficulty ?
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    Is there a division of Dash?

    Hello everybody I want to ask about the future of Dash mining and Is there a division of coin, such as Bitcoin ?