Search results

  1. Angel Andres Arri

    Dash Argentina “Strategic Participation Massive Local Events "

    Dash es la mejor alternativa, solo tenemos que seguir difundiendolo para que todos adopten esta moneda y haga crecer a Dash
  2. Angel Andres Arri

    Dash Argentina “Strategic Participation Massive Local Events "

    Period August to December 2018 Dear DASH Community: After the experience achieved in our previous proposal to position DASH as a payment solution in our city and creating a friendly ecosystem for the end user and the merchant, showing each of the sectors involved the benefits of using DASH as...
  3. Angel Andres Arri

    Dash Argentina First Dash-Friendly City (April News + Update)

    Dear DASH Community, We are totally happy to share with you our proposal news and update carried out during April 2018. As Director of the Dash Community of Argentina I want to share with the entire Dash Community the scope of our activities in the First Dash Friendly City in Argentina. The...
  4. Angel Andres Arri

    First Dash-friendly pilot city - Argentina

    Dear friends, We are really happy to announce that our proposal has fully submited to Dashcentral to be voted from MNOs, we thank all of you for your comments and support, letting our pre-proposal get more complete with solid arguments. We'll really apreciate your help leting know any one...
  5. Angel Andres Arri

    First Dash-friendly pilot city - Argentina

    Dear @JZA, We really thank you for all support given to us!
  6. Angel Andres Arri

    First Dash-friendly pilot city - Argentina

    Dear @djcrypto Thanks to you to give us the opportunity to detail some reference information about the cryptoscurrencies situation and its regulation. Naming some exchanges we can list: Cointmonitor ( Ripio ( SatoshiTango...
  7. Angel Andres Arri

    First Dash-friendly pilot city - Argentina

    Dear Arthyron, Thanks for yout support, as we already told to @ec1warc1, as we are not living in the same city, we are planing to meet this days to produce a video, photos and some other content materials. Based on Venezuela's experience and Eugenia (DashCSS), Alejandro (Dash Help Venezuela)...
  8. Angel Andres Arri

    First Dash-friendly pilot city - Argentina

    First of all, we would like to thank you for your fast feedback. Let us tell you something about Rio Tercero, It's located in the center of Cordoba province and it's really influent to many others cities around it. This is a neuralgic city that connects every surronding cities around. It's most...
  9. Angel Andres Arri

    First Dash-friendly pilot city - Argentina

    Dash Argentina First Dash-Friendly City (Educational Conferences + reach over 5000 persons) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updates: Following the advice we have received, these are the...
  10. Angel Andres Arri

    Webpage Stats - Feb 2018 - good info for MNO's

    Thank you for share this Numbers, we are in Position 47 now we work hard to grow the community to the next Level!
  11. Angel Andres Arri

    Dash 101 Español / Spanish

    Muy buen trabajo de producción!! Espero que se sigan produciendo diferentes contenidos audiovisuales como tutoriales paso a paso para hacer diferentes cosas en este ecosistema. Saludos desde Argentina!
  12. Angel Andres Arri

    Congratulations Fernando Gutierrez - Dash Core Group, Chief Marketing Officer

    Congratulations @fernando we hope we can work together in Argentina Adoption of Dash, we have a small team just starting the first Meet Up we work together when you are free we can set up a Webinar together.
  13. Angel Andres Arri

    Una herramienta poderosa y de veinticuatro horas para la promoción inteligente DASH en todo el mundo

    Muy buena propuesta, espero sea Aprobada! Saludos desde Dash Argentina!! Yo estoy comenzando con los primeros Meet Ups y tengo en mi Equipo un Locutor de Radio que le comenté de la propuesta de ustedes y si desean unas Horas de Cobertura desde el Ecosistema Dash de Latinoamerica aquí estamos...
  14. Angel Andres Arri

    Primer Meet Up Dash Argentina

    Hola me presento a toda la comuniad de Dash de habla hispana. Me llamo Angel Andres Arri, vivo en Rio Tercero, Cordoba, Argentina esto es en el Interior del Interior de mi pais, una ciudad de 60.000 habitantes aproximadamente y como veo hace tiempo la popularidad de Bitcoin muchas Comunidades...