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Pre-proposal: business integration into retail sector

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1) The API of our processing center for Bitcoin was developed and tested on demo data.
Here's a link to the actual API with descriptions, methods and examples of its usage.

2) The API for Dash is in the process of development.

3) A beta-version of software module by Profit Solutions was developed and currently is in the testing mode in our first 3 restaurants.

4) Legal contract that will be used with the restaurants owners was formulated, approved and verified.

5) The first version of Dash-branded flyers were created. Dash-branded banners are in the process of development.
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Currently we're on the latest stage of integration with our first 2 restaurants.
Legal contract that will be used with the restaurants owners was formulated, approved and verified.
A beta-version of software module by Profit Solutions was developed and currently is in deploying and testing mode with restaurant's terminals.
Our latest update where I pay with Dash in the restaurant in Givi Rubenshteyn (in Kiev):

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Today was an official opening in our first restaurant. About 20 people have already payed for their order in Dash which is amazing.

We're actively expanding the network of our restaurants and will make updates, as soon as they appear.

Thanks a lot for support from @alex-ru for sharing our awesome event and @akhavr for coming and testing how our system works in the real restaurant.



I'm quite pleased that Benglian used the PEC Evaluator Guidelines
However, to be fair I must just mention that the PEC is not sanctioned by the MNO's as yet and that the Originators were at a disadvantage:

Hi @Biltong -

May I ask you to share PEC Evaluator Guidelines again. The link posted above seems not available now.

Is this System available in the United States?

We're creating a global processing center and integrating with different Point of Sales systems right now.
We start from Ukraine, then move on to CIS countries and Europe, and after probably United States.

The challenge is not to just accept cryptocurrency in technological aspects but in legal aspects also. We need to make sure that accounting and taxation part is fully transparent. With the current laws in US, it will be hard to implement our approach.
Hello guys. I just read all the pre proposal and every comments and questions people did to you. I admire your work and that you answered everything people asked to you. And also that you habe delivered a lot to the community.

Im from Venezuela, Dash adoption is growing a lot here and soon a team will post a pre proposal related to merchant adotpion. Would be great if they can talk to you and exchange ideas.

Hi guys,

Sounds good. One question, are there any tax implications for the retailers?

Also, any kind of data that show they will be open to adopting this sustem?
Im from Venezuela, Dash adoption is growing a lot here and soon a team will post a pre proposal related to merchant adotpion. Would be great if they can talk to you and exchange ideas.

Sure, we would like to exchange ideas:)
Can you tell us more on your proposal?
Hi guys,
Sounds good. One question, are there any tax implications for the retailers?
Also, any kind of data that show they will be open to adopting this sustem?
Tax implication is the same as a for normal retailers – we do not change the cashflow and selling model
However, I didn't quite understand what do you mean in the last question?:)
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