Well-known member
and then if 51% or more of the shares in a particular node vote in one direction thats what the vote of that node will become.
What you are doing with this 51% threshold is to create masternode political parties. Nobody is happy inside political parties, because the ordinary people may agree with some ideas of a specific political party, but usally they also agree with some other ideas of another political party. If you apply this 51% then you trap the people inside the masternode political parties and you prohibit their right to express their opinion accurately.
Is this what you want? It is your right to want whatever you want, but on the other hand, shame on you. By applying a 51% threshold, you are trying to weaken more the vote of the poor.
The single vote of a shared masternode should be chopped in small independant pieces, having at least 4 decimals each one, and the pieces should be given to the shareholders. So that poor people having shares in one masternode to be able to be counted in the final result added together with other poor people having shares in another masternode (and having the same opinion with the first ones in the specific issue).
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