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We need Merchants USING Dash!

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Let's do both! Pardon my mentioning other cryptos, but we're here to learn:

do you guys recall either Hunter Coin or 'CRC,' the Minecraft coin? Certainly CRC is a study for us. I understand it sorta . . . 'got away' from just being an in-game token, and began to be accepted on the 'outside.' My outfit were already community devs when CRC launched -- at a time at which adoption was still at a very early stage -- and we saw it as an exciting development.

And I like to example 'BGCaffe,' which is an NXT token which seems to have succeeded in creating a 'trading-loop.'
That's reassuring @TanteStefana that the core team does understand how important this issue is.
@UdjinM6 gets it, but I'm not sure anyone else does; that's why it's on the back burner. If they understood the importance, it would not be on the back burner. They're disconnected from reality.

It's like holding your breath for 2 years while being assured that we all know it's really important to inhale and exhale...

It absolutely does not matter what else they imagine needs done first. Fuck all that. Immediately. IX should have been the ultimate "holy fuck we have to do this right now, do not sleep until it is done" priority for the last 2 years. It has been completely ignored, instead.

It's impossible to overstate the sense of urgency that would exist in the minds of those who were aware of the need, and aware of reality, at the same time. One or the other is lacking, hence, the lackluster response in even acknowledging a need. It's just no big deal, right? It's already in the bag, right? We already bankrupted Visa and all other cryptos are forgotten, right? So, what's the rush? There's no competition... Nobody else trying to bring crypto the the mainstream because DASH is already doing it, right? I mean, I just bought groceries as Super Wal Mart with DASH, didn't I? It totally just happened!
the first crypto that actually does solve this problem will end up with the largest portion of the market share in the crypto space, and you'll be sitting here wondering what the hell happened.
I'm glad I'm not the only one... But it's several billion dollars short and about 600 days too late... Even if they did wake up and start taking it seriously.

I share @TanteStefana's confidence in their ability to do the job, but there are already at least 5 other competitors ahead of DASH in offering what DASH invented. Sure. They'll do it. Someday, when it doesn't matter anymore and it's way past too late...

Even if fixed right-now-today, DASH would be showing up 2 years too late to it's own party. It's done. They sat around slapping each other on the back about being worshiped by yes men while they let it all slip away.

IX needs to be revamped to a "anyone can pay to request VIN lock on TXID" model. Maybe add a sig filter to make sure that only privkeys involved can make the lock request. Not sure that would be needed, but could be done.

"See that TXID in the memory pool? I'd like to lock the VINs until it's buried in X blocks (see what I did there regarding block inclusion? The VINs stay locked until TXID is X deep, regardless of any clog. Could even add fee-boost feedback...). Here's my fee. Oh, by the way, this is the sig for the receiving address, so you know I'm actually a party to this." MNs now reject any TX attempt on the same VINs until included block + X. MNs check that there is only one TXID using those VINs to begin with, so it doesn't become the same problem as a double-spend, and detection of such is a closed-loop positive that someone is deliberately trying to defraud the recipient, not just get away with it by pretending they didn't mean to uncheck the IX box... It doesn't have to be hard and most of the existing TX submission/broadcast mechanism can be reused as a lock request submission mechanism... MNs simply become the arbiters of misbehaving clients. Lock request made when there are already competing TXIDs for the same VINs in the meory pool? Hey, guess what? That never gets included in a block, and the vendor is notified that the person standing in front of them just deliberately tried to steal! No sale! Most of this works within framework that already exists, and./or simply replicates the existing model to the new feature. It's 90% done already in every bitclone out there... The mechanism for submitting a TX with a fee is damn near the same thing as submitting a lock request with a fee... the only substantial difference is MNs as high-speed prime arbiters that can easily get in front of propagation and prevent consensus on bad actors.

It needed to be done 2 years ago. Even if launched right now with this function, it probably wouldn't help...

I'm sure a lot of work is being done that we don't see. But, is it useful work? Any work other than fixing IX is work that does not need to be done right now.
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Camo, who has IS working better than us now? Pivix or whatever they're called, screwed up the code on it and it's not working! And going back to our problem of locked IS transactions that can't be sent any other way, well I think they feel that the best solution is in Evolution and basic smart contracts that enforce IS. This is why we're not getting it right now. Also, people want sporks to be automatic, and that didn't get done for 12.1 I mean... when you're faced with a list of things to get done, sometimes certain things need to be done first.

I was told one of the biggest problems to the IS not being enforced is that bitcoin was constructed in such a way so as never to restrict payments to an address. There is no way to stop a person from paying an address. This makes it hard to "mark" a receiving address as one that only accepts IX. It's just not that easy as I understand it.

But they know this is an issue and are definitely working on a solution (not sure which way yet) On the other hand, your poking is a good thing. One of our jobs as community members is to keep our team straight, right? :) They can also be struggling with another problem for so long they forget about this one, which is obvious to the user base. We need to keep crypto-currencies from requiring 3rd parties to be usable. We need to have the option of being fully independent and decentralized or else 3rd parties will have us by the cojones.

Oh, just wanted to add that all those clones and other projects at our tail are the best thing for Dash. Without them, we will get lazy and corrupt.
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they feel that the best solution is in Evolution and basic smart contracts that enforce IS. This is why we're not getting it right now.
Have some feelings in one hand, and shit in the other, and see which one fills up first....
Also, people want sporks to be automatic, and that didn't get done for 12.1
Who is this "people" you speak of? People who still haven't even heard of Bitcoin? Yeah, they care so much about the stuff they are totally oblivious to...
I was told one of the biggest problems to the IS not being enforced is that bitcoin was constructed in such a way so as never to restrict payments to an address.
This is why IX prevents VIN re-use.

Even so, why do we care how Bitcoin does it? The "plugs right into bitcoin-designed stuff" sounds good in nerd-land, but in reality-land, there is no existing infrastructure to worry about being backwards compatible with. This is a case of can't see the forest for the trees...
But they know this is an issue and are definitely working on a solution
If they had been working on it, it would be done by now.
One of our jobs as community members is to keep our team straight, right?
Do you really think anyone listens to me? I sure don't... I can name only one person who has acknowledged this, and he's being told not to bother with it...
They can also be struggling with another problem for so long they forget about this one, which is obvious to the user base.
Again, can't see the forest for the trees.

Priorities are fully head-up-ass.
In order to be grabbed by the balls, one must first have balls...
@camosoul I listen to you, and I politely poke on our behalf. And I'll keep doing so. Most of the core team have said yes, this must be fixed, even if a couple don't get it. It's not getting done as fast as we'd like, true. But I want you to know you're not alone in this. I don't think we're alone in wanting Dash to be capable of NEVER using 3rd trusted parties for ANYTHING. Not that people can't have a choice if they want someone taking the responsibilities, whatever... snowflakes will always be with us, but that needs to be a choice, not a requirement.
May I ask a question @UdjinM6? To solve the IX problem, wouldn't it be possible and easier to implement a new range of addresses (like the multisig ones) to force every transaction to be IX. This way the IX logic itself wouldn't have to change. The network would simply reject non-IX transactions to those addresses. Just an idea.
@camosoul I listen to you, and I politely poke on our behalf. And I'll keep doing so. Most of the core team have said yes, this must be fixed, even if a couple don't get it. It's not getting done as fast as we'd like, true. But I want you to know you're not alone in this. I don't think we're alone in wanting Dash to be capable of NEVER using 3rd trusted parties for ANYTHING. Not that people can't have a choice if they want someone taking the responsibilities, whatever... snowflakes will always be with us, but that needs to be a choice, not a requirement.

Great discussion.
Camo is beating an important drum here.
Making the use of Dash seamless and secure will win the day.
Online entrepreneur with multiple eCommerce sites checking in here, I will be integrating DASH into several of my stores soon, stay tuned!
It's not getting done as fast as we'd like, true.

Ever watch a nature documentary? When the Cheetah chases the Zebra, and the Zebra is slower than the Cheetah...

It doesn't matter what anyone does or doesn't like, or feel, or whatever. The Cheetah catches the Zebra, the Zebra is fuckin' dead. You can call the Cheetah names. You can put the Cheetah on the ignore list. You can block the Cheetah on Twitter. You can demand that the Cheetah re-prioritize it's action items. The Zebra is still fuckin' dead.

LTC has a higher market cap. XRP has already implemented it. XEM did it months ago. ETH is, uhm, nobody knows why.

During the first pump, the community made clear it had lost it's objectivity and cried "let the market decide" as the excuse to silence me. Now, I guess that line of argument doesn't seem so wise, they've all disappeared...
...It's great to see woocommerce getting completed and I'm really happy to see the "Dash POS" proposal clearing so well! I think with these two we are covering the basics well. ...
With Evolution and the API, I figure the "top level" is being covered by the core team, but that the lower level wasn't being covered at all. But the community stepped up and now we're on our way! Now we have to start figuring out how to get people to use it :) Just need to wait a wee bit for the POS to be usable at a basic level :D

With all the tech discussion going on above, I think Tante's idea got lost and to me this is crucial. The tech is coming fast, but we need to plan on how we are going to get people to start using Dash. Multiple ideas for different scenarios/locations - 3rd world & developing world. That is where Dash's future lies. The 1st world is just a small slice of the pie! How do we get Dash adoption out there?!!
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with a dash wallet receiving payments and recomending instantsend on your costumers.
with a dash wallet receiving payments and recomending instantsend on your costumers.
Just tested the DMG for Mac from dash.org/wallets/ A newbie would get the error message: ""Dash-QT.app" can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer." I could override this error message but a newbie could not.
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