There definitely needs to be a cap on proposals. Hopefully, things will be built that generate money, creating a second level self sustaining DAO, managed by those interested int it, and eventually creating a 3rd, 4th, 5th etc... level DAO. These will have nothing to do with the Masternodes, but will work in tandem with the system if need be. What kind of infrastructure do they need in Kenya? We have no idea, but they do. Let them build it. If it needs masternodes to function, there could be a plugin, and we could chare a very nominal fee for any project that plugs into the Masternode system.
Point being, yah, only a few, Evan once suggested capping it at 100, I thought maybe 20, but the more I think of it, the fewer the better. The sooner projects go 2nd tier, the better.