Hello Dash' community
I am Isaías Pérez, a geophysical engineer from Caracas Venezuela, with over 3 years of programming experience, I'm the Seismicsoft's founder and CEO, my company project is focused in the disruptive technology development and implementation of geological and geophysical softwares.
My potential skills are based on geology, geographic information system (GIS), petrophysics, seismic reflection method and electrical methods for the characterization of the subsoil. I am passionate about hydrogeology, and the exploration of water as a resource for the supply of human communities. In 2017 I wrote my first publication called ¨Hydrogeological study using electric soundings and nuclear magnetic resonance in the state of Miranda, Venezuela¨, where I found some potential aquifers in Miranda, Venezuela.
I believe that a good client-developer relationship is fundamental to achieve a flawless work. My main pillars are passion and responsibility; I also deeply believe in technology as a way to have a better quality of life.
Best regards,