Ok... as a Radio Producer for years now... odd TV and mainly music prduction... those videos SUCK !! Totally !!
General population, as much as it pains me as a musician myself... has less than 30 seconds attention span. Those 2 videos up there fail miserably. The first is way too high mid-ranged vocalled with the music, and a bit annoying to the ear, and WAY too fast paced. The Dodge coin is too rushed with all that info 1:30 seconds.
I my opinion, based on thousands of institutional videos, is to have 1 main <30 second grabber that you'd need to invest 90% of resources.
30 second to get people horny. If they get horny, then they'll happily watch a second, third, fourth, video whatever! No matter how long.
Any second video will have the attentional interest of the viewer to listen, to every word said !!
Think prime time TV (unfortunatley) .... grab people by the balls in under 30 seconds.... and let them slowly breath out with a second more informative video
AND... both are proposing / creating a "problem" no one had before crypto's... We need to expose the SOLUTION to everyone's day to day life current problems, so they adopt it.