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Budget Proposal “electrum_maintenance“

I'm stunned that (at writing this) 472 masternode votes yes.

I've done my research: studied every code repository at https://github.com/dashpay/
Runned many of them, including the electrum server and client on my local machine.
I've read the, some what hidden, documentation at https://dashpay.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DAS/Dash-Electrum Home

Even then I withhold my vote without explication what this budget proposal is all about.

In my opinion it is not because there is money available, even more now the Dash price has rising, that it's a blank cheque for everything.

I do thrust Evan but one of my favored quotes is "trust but verify" (Ronald Reagan about the dismantle agreements of nukes)

I'm thinking about make a proposal, without the need of any budget, that a budget proposal needs to have a description + link to the dashtalk forum. Or is that too meta ?
Even more reason to have a dedicated subforum (https://dashtalk.org/threads/proposal-dedicated-subforum-for-pre-budget-discusion.8279/)
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I'm about 99% sure that this is a legitimate proposal, and that the funds would be used properly, but there is no way I would vote "Yes" on a proposal that had no description other than a title, no matter who submitted it.

A main criticism the Dash community faces related to the Budget Proposal System is that it is just a sham that is contolled by Evan and a few of his MN friends. A proposal like this only makes this criticism appear legitimate. For the sake of public relations, I urge Evan (or whoever posted this proposal) to enter a description and allow for discussion here on DT regarding it. Perhaps he planned to enter the description and got caught up in other things, but now that 4 days have passed and over 450 "Yes" votes have been cast, it is all the more imperative that the description be entered ASAP. It would be a shame if this were to be paid out in the next cycle without a description being entered, and would play into critics' hands.

I understand people are busy, but frankly a proposal should not be submitted without a description immediately following.
I'm about 99% sure that this is a legitimate proposal, and that the funds would be used properly, but there is no way I would vote "Yes" on a proposal that had no description other than a title, no matter who submitted it.

A main criticism the Dash community faces related to the Budget Proposal System is that it is just a sham that is contolled by Evan and a few of his MN friends. A proposal like this only makes this criticism appear legitimate. For the sake of public relations, I urge Evan (or whoever posted this proposal) to enter a description and allow for discussion here on DT regarding it. Perhaps he planned to enter the description and got caught up in other things, but now that 4 days have passed and over 450 "Yes" votes have been cast, it is all the more imperative that the description be entered ASAP. It would be a shame if this were to be paid out in the next cycle without a description being entered, and would play into critics' hands.

I understand people are busy, but frankly a proposal should not be submitted without a description immediately following.

I totally agree !!
I messages Evan right away after that popped up , as I know this will confuse and anger a bunch !
I honestly believe he forgot , Easter with family and such ....
give it a day or two and should be fixed
Yah, I figured he threw it up there, maybe so he wouldn't forget, and obviously did it so fast, he didn't even get the title done right, LOL. But I've also been waiting 'cause I don't know if this is a trick to see how many of us just follow the leader :p I hope we'll hear from him soon :)

But obviously, the Electrum wallet is very important. Especially since Evan is using it as the foundation for Evolution. I'd still like to know how the funds will be spent. Are they to keep the Electrum developers support? Is it to make sure they always make available Dash updates ASAP? Do we have agreements for these funds? Or are they being used in a totally different way?
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I don't understand the complaints here. The proposal is "Electrum needs maintenance. Gimme some DASH, and I'll maintain Electrum.
dash-cli mnbudget vote-many 2bf1826776f884c6bd2a4223f04df75e97d97e227320c047bb6d33ba9831d448 yes

Thanks and have a nice day." signed, Evan
"P.S. Those 466 yes votes are NOT mine."
/s :grin:
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Re-post from DASHWhale : https://www.dashwhale.org/p/electrum_maintenance


Does Evan think that just because he places a PROPOSAL
- Everybody will vote YEA??

Where is the justification for the funds?

Is this a Joke?

Has Evan placed a bet with his 'friends' just to prove a point?
- Maybe even WIN some fiat/DASH

What about the poor noob's that have no clue or understanding how to look at Github?


Not like many peep's will be looking here for answers - ugh
- 'Sorry Rango' not dis'n you by any means....




You people are proving to be the sheeple of Evan by voting YEA to a clueless Proposal - COME ON!!!!

........No Title
........No Description
........NOTHING !!!!!

Nothing but
Wanker sheeple's voting YEA EVAN !!!!!



The proposal is careless and reckless!!!
For 46 Dash, doesn't seem like something that would be on Evan's radar if it is not him, sure one of the team would let us know sooner and later. As for the up voting, there is good reason why many here trust Evan. He has earned it several times over in my opinion.