there may have been other ways of doing it, though I do think he had good reason to think it wouldn't have worked any other way.
It would have made no difference. Some people are so dedicated to their agendas, they don't care about reality. I.e. anti-gunners. Just an example... Some people are blind zealots detached from reality with no intention of becoming attached.
And moreso, sometimes there is no good option, only the least terrible option. I believe that is what Snowden did. Again, gun reference, self-defense... The least bad option still sucks. Those trained to be weak sheeple haven't the stomach to handle reality and become victims. This is often the very objective of truly insidious people. They create a harmful circumstance, from which they can profit, which has no good solution. That way, anyone who disrupts it is "the bad guy." That is, essentially, the definition of government. Imagine if all anti-gun laws were repealed tomorrow? The carnage of a bunch of people trained to be irresponsible dumbasses after all this time, all buying $50 machine guns on the same day... Eventually it would even out, but in the meantime... Snowden faced essentially the same problem. No matter what he did, it would be considered "wrong" and cause a serious shitstorm. But, eventually, the message got through and many people grew up and stopped trusting their evil guv. Still not enough, but some...
It is impossible to pick up a turd from the clean end. Snowden manned-up and did what had to be done. Zealots will always be pissed, still others are impossible to please. The clueless form opinions without any basis in fact. If you make your choices based on the opinions of the clueless, well... You won't be accomplishing much with your life, just like the clueless people...
Freedom is lost in small pieces over time, but it is only reclaimed in big, ugly, bloody chunks. That's just the nature of it. The sheeple don't have the stomach for it. It's uncivilized. I say; slavery is even less so. Not only because of the nature of those who take that freedom from us, but by the nature of those robbed of their freedoms also being robbed of the knowledge of responsibly handling their freedoms once restored. Freedoms carry Responsibilities, when the freedom is lost, then so is the education for handling it. This is the true danger. It must be learned again. But in the very midst of that chaos, as freedom draws it's first breath, those failing to be responsible are already calling out for it's elimination because they can't be asked to step up and take responsibility. The slippery slope begins even in that first moment of revolution...
Regulate Bitcoin, they said. Mt. Gox, they said... Stop expecting to be taken care of, I say. Pull you head out of your ass, I say. Asking for the chains to be put back on after only experiencing their removal for a moment... OF course there will be fuckups. No one has ever know the freedom of Separation of Money and State. Don't cray out for imprisonment, again, just because it is familiar. Learn from the mistake.
I prefer the Sun in my eyes and occasional sunburn, to having it snuffed out.
"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it." - Thomas Jefferson
Snowden may not be considered a Nationalist Patriot, but as Einstein often pontificated, that's a good thing. He's a patriot to citizens of the human race, no matter which piece of dirt they stand on. No government, or sycophantic toady bootlicker, will ever like that. They seek division, not unity.
Another example of how easy it is to buy off freedom... Since the NFA was enacted in 1934, a wide variety of cheap, simple guns and safety equipment have been demonized, and placed out of reach of normal people by bureaucratic hurdles and absurd taxes. In 1986, it was expanded to an absolute ban on the civilian manufacture of Machine Guns. Unless you're a well-connected millionaire bootlicker, you just plain can't get one of the few in limited supply that was made prior to 1986. They're really fucking expensive. To my understanding, there is only one Hughes Heligun in existence, and the last time it sold, it was for half a million dollars. That's just one example... Even a cheap, beat to hell pre-86 transferable M11 will cost you a minimum of $10,000. Do you think people who spent that much money on bragging rights want to lose that value by voting for the decriminalization of machine guns? Even though not a single NFA machine gun was EVER used in a crime! So, why are they illegal in the first place? What problem did banning them solve? Nothing. If no crimes were ever committed with one, then how can crime be prevented by eliminating them? It's an object... Now that the persecution has been accepted as the norm, how do you fight it? How do those who bought-in to the violation give up the huge amount of money the spent?
If you spent $500,000 on a boatload of slaves, you probably wouldn't want to lose that investment, either... Even if you know it's wrong. The persecuted adapt and integrate to the new environment, some can't live without it... Maintaining the status quo, no matter how evil, is often a matter of survival for those who are unable to function without it. For people like this, Snowden is their enemy.
If I want to get on a boat and sail the Bahamas, I can enter that country with a machine gun, and they don't even give a damn. Piracy is on the rise in the Caribbean. There are plenty of places you just plain don't want to go. Their customs agents will tell you "You're going to need it where you're going!" But where will I buy that machine gun since there's nowhere left on Earth that allows it...
I guess I need a really big boat with a machine shop on it... And a currency that has no government.