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Behind Dash: Repo Roundup


Staff member
Chief Sock Advisor
Behind Dash

Is a look at the Invisible People and Activities that drive Dash forward.
Devs are slaving away at incredible speed, but we only see this when there’s a new release.
Many contributors to Dash live in the shadows - we don’t know who they are and what they do and we would like to change that.
We think it will be good for the Dash Community to get to know the activities and unsung heroes Behind Dash.
We hope to feature what happens in the Repos and have some short Interviews a couple of times a week.

Watching the Dashpay repos on Github on a regular basis is a great way to see just how hard the Dash Core Group is working behind the scenes to deliver the software that we sometimes take for granted. Watching the repos is usually dry work, sometimes you get some funny chatter between the devs, but most Dash users won’t want to stay on top of going thru the repositories on Github, much less get lots of notification emails, so part of our service to the Dash community will be to summarize the activity for you. We know you will enjoy the extra insight into DCG activity.

Insights gained from the Repo Roundup will be used to ask better questions of the people that are interviewed from DCG. We will also invite community members to submit questions they would like answered and Behind Dash wants to keep this light hearted.

So let’s start. Over to Agnew Pickens with his 1st Weekly Roundup:

Week of January 20th-27th, 2019

With the Dashcore v0.13.0.0 release getting quick adoption by masternodes, and with the promise of v14 being released soon upon activation of DIP3 on mainnet, let’s take a look at the repository activity and what is going on with testing of v14.

This week was an active week for the Dash repos, our DCG devs look like they are pushing hard to get v14 ready and its components tested on testnet (which already has DIP3) prior to the spork. I have not seen any commits to a master branch yet, and we won’t get a release candidate for v14 until DIP3 is fully activated, but work is proceeding quickly.
Parts of v14 are already being tested and the devs are working on getting LLMQs to work smoothly with DIP3. From sources in Dash Talk Discord, we should have a release candidate out with the DIP3 spork with no more than 4 or 5 RCs, since most of the hard work was already done in v13, which saw 13 release candidates.

DIP3 has been put on the v13 roadmap and once we have 80% miner consensus, we should be expecting a testnet candidate for v14 with a quick release to mainnet, paving the road for the release of Evolution 1.0.

Look for weekly or semi weekly repo updates beginning with this summary.
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Hi Agnew
You are starting a weekly Repo Roundup, but like most people Behind Dash a lot in the community won’t know you.
1) Can you give us some background - normal stuff: What did you do before; How & when did you get into Dash and what are you doing in Dash ATM?

LOL, OK, I started in crypto in early 2016 in the Ethereum Network, but quickly saw it wasn't really a payment coin, which I desired for my small business, so in November 2016 I joined the Dash Nation Slack. I was invited to become a Moderator in 2017 and now help moderate Dash Talk, the Dashpay Reddit sub as well as the forum.

2) Repo Roundup - what makes you think you are qualified to do this?

I am a computer nerd, for one, I am not a programmer, but I can read code, and have used watching repos on other coins for my trading activities, it has helped me stay on top of what other projects are doing,

3) In your Roundup you said: “we should have a release candidate out with the DIP3 spork with no more than 4 or 5 RCs,” What the hell is RC’s?

Release Candidate for testnet, that means a build.

I'm a noob - talk English please

Right now, the core team is building v14 from source on testnet, they have the equipment and software to do that regularly, most people who want to test the new software are going to want to have builds for their platforms, Windows, MacOS, Linux.

SO? where does the RC come in?

The RC is where regular Dash users can play with the new software on testnet and help the team find bugs in the software.

4) I understand you were snowed in for most of last week - do you have a pic of your place with the snow?

That was at the height of the blizzard last Saturday night.

5) Behind Dash - Why do you think this shit is necessary - Don’t the community have enough to read already?

As a Moderator, I have seen enough Dash users, especially voters, wanting more insight behind what happens with Dash Core Group.

Thank You

What do you think for our 1st interview?

Yer welcome, you caught me off guard there, LOL
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The value I see that AgnewPickens could bring with this proposal is if he were able to wax phillisophically upon what Dash is doing each week or month that separates us apart for investors and laymen to read over. We do indeed need that and a quick synopsis to send other coins, projects/haters proof of our supreme team.

This could be very good for that.

Not sure if that is EXACTLY what is proposed here but I think I get it. And I have always enjoyed the man behind the proposal-going over a year now. Trust that he is fair, intelligent and great with communicating ideas.
I joined Dash Slack in Nov 2016, just didn't get around to registering on the forum until March 2017. But ya, weird koinkydink.
Repo Roundup for Jan 28-Feb 2, 2019

It was a busy week for the Dash and Hash Engineering repos this week. On the Dash repository, a lot of work is being done on LLMQs and minor fixes, there were a lot of commits to a develop branch over the last couple days. From DCG’s own reports, they managed to test the first chain locks on testnet, from the repo reports, the code for chainlocks received its add to develop branch on Jan 29th, so I expect testing can proceed quickly to make sure it operates as bug free as possible for the first release candidate.

For the technically minded, you can look at some of the code for chain locks at this link:

There are a lot of minor bug fixes this week, the team is working very hard to get the network a reliable release candidate for the DIP3 activation so that the process of moving to v14 can be updated. At this pace, I expect there will be a release candidate as soon as DIP3 is activated.

Work also continues on the upstreams from Bitcore to update the network so that we remain on the same fork as BTC, which is important for compatibility with integrations.

Hash Engineering is working hard to get their mobile wallet fully upgraded to v13 and there has been a lot of repo activity this week, the most important work being done on the IS autolocks.

This level of activity on the Dash repos is very high, and affects our ratings positively on sites like Coingecko, which use repo activity in its rankings of coins. Repo activity is a key metric for analysts when making investment recommendations, so the pace of activity picking up bodes well for Dash valuation.
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