Active member
Anypay has a proposal for 219 dash for 12 months or 2628 dash.
While the proposal is not bad, the duration is ludicrous.
Anypay has agreed to a fixed payout of $65,000 per month or $0.75 Million from the escrow.
If dash price averages $1000 for the year and it passes, the proposal payout will be worth $2.62 Million.
So where will the difference of these amounts go ($ 2 million) ?
Who is pushing the hardest for this proposal to pass?
Who has the maximum conflict of interest here? (its not anypay)
Hint: Check the escrowing party ;0
Read the comments on the proposal and you will have your answer.
While the proposal is not bad, the duration is ludicrous.
Anypay has agreed to a fixed payout of $65,000 per month or $0.75 Million from the escrow.
If dash price averages $1000 for the year and it passes, the proposal payout will be worth $2.62 Million.
So where will the difference of these amounts go ($ 2 million) ?
Who is pushing the hardest for this proposal to pass?
Who has the maximum conflict of interest here? (its not anypay)
Hint: Check the escrowing party ;0
Read the comments on the proposal and you will have your answer.