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Search results

  1. DrewDTOM

    Dash Open House March 30 at SkySong w/ Ryan Taylor, Evan Duffield & Amanda B. Johnson. All invited!

    The event is listed on both the AZ Bitcoin and Bockchain meetups, if you are local to Phoenix or just want to join here are the links. https://www.meetup.com/Arizona-Bitcoin-Meetup/ https://www.meetup.com/blockchaintech/ 25 and 18 RSVPs but looks like there might be some over lap.
  2. DrewDTOM

    (Pre-Proposal) DASHPayCard - DASH Branded Debit Card + Fiat/Dash Integration

    I really like the branding angle here, I recently used my BitPay visa cad at a store and the cashier ask me if I was a bitcoin farmer, I knew what he meant but I was taken back because the card shows the word BitPay on it, not Bitcoin. @CharlieShrem if you are looking for alternative designs...
  3. DrewDTOM

    Dash Open House March 30 at SkySong w/ Ryan Taylor, Evan Duffield & Amanda B. Johnson. All invited!

    I like your enthusiasm @oaxaca, but I too think more planning would be needed to capitalize on the effort and make the most of that value, perhaps your request for funding was to high as the price is shooting up. As someone who lives in Arizona and has done similar out reach programs like this...
  4. DrewDTOM

    Dash Open House March 30 at SkySong w/ Ryan Taylor, Evan Duffield & Amanda B. Johnson. All invited!

    For anyone in the phoenix area the event was posted to the AZ bitcoin meetup group and the facebook group as well. looking forward to the event ;) https://www.meetup.com/Arizona-Bitcoin-Meetup/events/238043142/
  5. DrewDTOM

    Proposal to enhance user adoption and onboarding

    Thanks for the feedback @TroyDASH, Can you elaborates as to why a business that accepts Dash would not be a good place for promotional material? A brick and mortar business can put out fliers and stickers on the counter top near the registrar and other areas of the store. An online retailer has...
  6. DrewDTOM

    Proposal to enhance user adoption and onboarding

    Yes the budget we would submit would cover our time and cost creating the first run of products, we would like to offer them to the users of this forum free of charge and cover our cost of shipping them to everyone, if we print more than what is requested we could offer them for just the...
  7. DrewDTOM

    Proposal to enhance user adoption and onboarding

    Hello everyone, We here at Superhero Printing and Graphics are putting together a budget proposal for on boarding users of the Dash currency. We have an “on the ground” approach as to how adoption can be achieved. I am looking for feedback on how many people would participate and what the right...
  8. DrewDTOM

    WTS Web, WordPress, and OpenBazaar Hosting for Dash

    Thanks for the link to the Dash graphics, We will work on adding a mention for Dash and apparently Bitcoin too. Our check out process is bitcoin only at the moment (no fiat) and if demand for dash payments grows we will find a way to offer our clients Dash subscription payments via our invoice...
  9. DrewDTOM

    WTS Web, WordPress, and OpenBazaar Hosting for Dash

    Hello everyone, We recently added our name to a list of businesses that accepts Dash as part of John Bush's 100 day dash to adoption campaign. The use of dash in our system is not as stream lined as bitcoin payments are but I'm happy to talk more about our services here and answer any questions...
  10. DrewDTOM

    Proposal: Dash to Adoption - 100 Businesses in 100 Days

    Hi all, I wanted to chime in here and share more about our decision to offer Dash as a payment type for our hosting services. This statement was sent to John after he asked us to be involved with his adoption campaign. I joined this forum specifically to learn about options available to us to...
  11. DrewDTOM

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Hello, Drew here, I have been interested in Bitcoin since 2012 and have sold a number of bitcoin related products on the web since the days of BitMit.net. The Print shop I work for has had a few clients ask to pay in Dash for a few months now. I'm interested in learning more about the community...