Yup, just figured that out myself as well. Now "Transaction too large". Presumably it's adding a fee which I need to deduct from the amount? -- No, that doesn't seem to be the issue. Just too many inputs?
listunspent spit out something like 1833 items.
Okay, I just have to use several sends of...
Thanks. I found that I had to supply --rpcuser and --rpcpassword with every darkcoind command. I am stuck on sendtoaddress, getting
error: Error parsing JSON:XrhW...
(it prints my full new address there)
Looks like I have the same issue. I've been away a while but trying to start back up. Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit. Darkcoin-qt never could resync even after removing peers.dat and debug.log and running with -reindex. The GUI spends about 29 out of every 30 seconds grayed out and unresponsive...
Thanks for the suggestion, but I get the same failure during the build. The make output shows it is using options compute_30 and compute_35, but no sign of anything like compute_21. Do I need to add some option to the "configure" command?
I tried to send 9 DRK using DarkSend this morning. The GUI went gray for about 3 minutes. Then it showed one transaction, "Payment to yourself" for 0.093 DRK. No transaction for 9 DRK ever appeared anywhere, nor was my wallet balance reduced by 9 DRK. What went wrong? A little later I sent 51...
Someone else has the same wallet.dat, so before they crack your password you'll want to move your coins. Not to the next receive address generated by the same program/wallet, since that's just one of the pre-generated addresses which will also be in the laptop's wallet.dat.
If you come across a QR code which doesn't show you plaintext at the same time, but you can get a URL of the QR image, you can try an online QR code reader such as http://zxing.org/w/decode.jspx
Is there an argument to generate a darkcoin.conf? One is not provided in the Ubuntu 64-bit download, and running darkcoin-qt doesn't generate one in ~/.darkcoin.
When I run darkcoin-qt, I do not see a darkcoind process running (Ubuntu). So it doesn't seem like it's just a GUI for the daemon.
In fact I've been wondering if I could run both, pointed at different wallets. darkcoin-qt is working with ~/.darkcoin/wallet.dat. Can I run darkcoind...
Processor: Intel® Core™ i7 CPU X 990 @ 3.47GHz × 12
Mining Software: darkcoin-cpuminer-1.2c (though NEWS says 2.3.2-x) (Ubuntu 13.10)
Hash Speed: 69 khash/s/thread
I usually run --threads=6 if I'm going to be at the computer and --threads=10 when I'm away.