Is it possible to find out from which wallet a privateSend-request came from and which new addresses in the same wallet received the privatised Coins?
In theory it should be possible to perform a dusting attack to each privateSend round inputs and outputs.
If the Dash wallet combines the dust...
Great HowTo - I followed it and it worked very well.
But just one small obsticle:
I used dashman and dash.conf said:
Just to be aware it's not enough to uncomment the lines ... you have also insert "bls" in "masternodeprivkey" to make ist "masternodeblsprivkey"
Such a stupid mistake by me...
Hello Tao,
I'm following your Tutorial right now - are you still working on that project?
Right now it's no problem to adapt your guide to and hopefully also to MacOS-Dash-Wallet.
Do have any updated guide for 0.14.03 yet?