Dear Ryan,
I am confident you will do a job presenting. What I would really like to see is to drive home the idea that Bitcoin is the most valuable the moment because it is the most secure. Go on and on about it. Make it so obvious that people literally get bored. Then blow their minds when you...
If we're not a privacy coin, what are we?
I've heard some people advocate us as a governance coin, transaction coin, privacy coin (most often).
Dash is a _____ coin, should be something that gets a bit more standardized across messaging, news articles, etc.
Dash is a scalable cash replacement...
When looking at coinmarket cap the top exchanges by volume are ones I've never heard of people using.
is that assumption correct that they are hardly being used and the volume numbers are faked?
if so, doesn't that mask real price movements from real people buying on active exchanges?
Do you have plans to document your learnings from pulling something like this off? I imagine they will be helpful for others trying to socialize cryptocurrency as well.
I think it would be fairly trivial to do some UX experience testing (even in advance) to validate that users prefer to purchase items in whole numbers vs. decimals. Such a test would be to show a new crypto user several options of purchase pages with the different valuations and to ask them...
I think the main reason there would be a need for multiple cryptocurrencies to play that role of stored wealth is as a hedge against a catastrophic failure of any one coin.
Posted a similar thought on the reddit page today /r/dashpay/comments/6et003/thoughts_on_massscale_adoption_why_one_dash_might/
I'm wondering could an intermediary step be put in place?
So that 1 Dash = avg price of 1 cup of coffee = #X tokens
In this setup the "Dash" wouldn't be tied to the...
If Japan is getting primed to use bitcoin in stores, Dash needs to piggy back that effort, big time.
Does anyone know what is happening in this regard? It seems really important.
Does anyone know what the merchant applications of choice are in Japan? They seem to be like important business...