Perhaps a service like Route53 @ Amazon AWS could help you out.
There is also STUN that is used with VoIP, perhaps this can be used. Emercoin uses STUN as well to find a certain server
Am on vacation Tungfa, I can look into it but it will be around 4 october. I guess you want it done before the 7th? Do you have the original english caption?
Tungfa, good to hear that someone from Dash community went there. I had been thinking to make a stopover in HongKong on my way to Chiang Mai but decided not to and spend the saved money on my Dash project ;-)
Coinkite offers 'Nyms'
Are we as Dash dependant on 3rd parties like Onename or Coinkite to build a feature like that for Dash, or could it be something that is integrated (as an option for users) in the Dash...
I came across an interview with the CEO of Myspace in which he explains how Facebook was able to take over social media even though they came in second.
I will look around, added to my watchlist. This is a thread started by Raganius.
Also the guy from Archcoin is portuguese, @btcarchitect. Perhaps someone here has a link to him?
so if i could find you some chat groups you could look into it
and make some contacts ? interested ?
Would love to help but am quite busy on a few projects myself. What kind of chat groups are you thinking about? Telegram, Whatsapp, or Slack are the tools I use most..
Can anyone explain to me what the effect is of issueing a start-alias / start-many on the eligibility for a masternode payment? Will it put the masternode in the back of the line or will it stay in place as it was before issueing the command?
The special thing here is, I'm running 1 masternode on 1 vps/ip address. However my IP address was shown 2 times with ./dashd masternodelist, and one of the nodes using it is on Choopa, while I'm on Digital Ocean. Another masternode shouldn't be able to spoof my IP address and siphon of my...
How come another masternode shows up and starts using my IP address in the network? This can also be seen on dashninja, however when I look further (details of the node), the second item has another IP address
./dashd masternodelist | grep 188.166
"" : "ENABLED"...
and eduffield on BCT:
Enforcement + Masternode payments are working properly. The problem the reference node takes about 4 days to get through the full list of payments and if you restart it, it won't remember where it left off. It was restarted last Wednesday, then again Saturday (when...
Masternodes still running, no payment yet however. One other thing I noticed I posted on the 11.2 release thread, winnerslist is 10 blocks ahead of the latest block number:
Last night during the freeze I noticed that the masternode winnerslist was up to 246500 while the blockchain itself was stuck at 246490. Now it seems the blockchain is recent but the winnerslist is still 10 blocks ahead. Is this normal?
./dashd masternode winners
"246655" ...
I've changed the dash.conf on the remotes, and started the masternodes from the cold wallet. I further installed the dependancies for the wallet that I didn't install yet ( libboost-all-dev libminiupnpc-dev). The result:
2015-04-03 18:04:25 CActiveMasternode::EnableHotColdMasterNode() -...
I'm running masternodes using start-many in a cold/hot wallet setup. Am able to start the masternodes and they show up on ./dashd masternodelist, dashninja and dashnodes.
What happens is that every 90 minutes the masternodes seem to lose connection, they are not in the masternodelist...
I got triggered by the last line of Evans proposal, it read to me like some external service will be used:
More research must be done to find a compatible 2FA API. There are many services to choose from and we'll evaluate each to find the best match.
What is meant here? Fork an existing...
Am trying to understand the proposal: We have Darkcoin, a decentralized currency, and proposal is to hook this up to a certain kind of centralized 2FA solution? Or is the proposal to build this feature into Darkcoin itself? If hooking up to a centralized 2FA solution, what does this do with...