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  1. C

    Darkcoin video

    'The dollar is a good currency'. Really?
  2. C

    RC4 and price

    This is perfect. I'd personally like to see btc sub 400. Many people wont like this but we need to go down until we can ride the wave when wall street comes in and gets us in the upper 2000 together with ebay and all the other corporations.
  3. C

    One Darkevan, or more...

    definitely not darkevan
  4. C

    [WTB] BTC with DRK

    I'll give you 0.007 btc per Drk.
  5. C

    v0.10.12.x RC4 Testing

    testnet is in the official client included add testnet=1 into darkcoin.conf you can find the beta client in the posts of eduffield in this thread.
  6. C

    Development Update - July 30th

    So what? Do you prefer a hard fork?
  7. C

    Current price below 5$

    Hmm I think we really need to deliver rc4 to the world
  8. C

    Masternode setup guide using OS X local & Linux remote

    What information exactly is hidden in the masternodeprivkey? I've always wanted to know that :D