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Search results

  1. med4u

    Vanity Darkcoin Addresses

    I have forked this project and added your instructions and it works on my MacOs Mojave. Few fixes needed (number of processor threads for example) and a GUI would be great . You can find it here https://github.com/med4u/DashVanityGen !
  2. med4u

    Masternode with Trezor?

    Now that 12.1 is out: Is it possible to setup a masternode on a Trezor? :)
  3. med4u

    Proposal: Marketing - International Outreach & Promotion (January)

    Douce France... :) Vive la francophonie! ;)
  4. med4u

    Med4u: présentation, motivations et idées

    Tout à fait, et c'est pourquoi je n'ai pas encore trouver la bonne solution, ni fait de post dans le chat "pré-proposal' puisqu'il faut que les masternoeuds puissent avoir la garantie que les fonds alloués seront utiles. Peu d'associations humanitaires acceptent les cryptomonnaies directement et...
  5. med4u

    New website discussion

    I like the new design! I don't know why but the "!" after "Dash is Digital Cash" makes me feel like assaulted, or looks like a scam, but it's just a feeling. What can I do to help on french translation? Who is in charge of it?
  6. med4u

    Med4u: présentation, motivations et idées

    Bonjour, Ici un français, de la capitale souhaitant aider la communauté Dash, et plus particulièrement la partie française et francophone. Si on y regarde bien la France est le 3ème pays en terme de nombre de masternoeuds en ligne. Et pourtant Dash souffre d'un manque d'implantation en France...
  7. med4u

    DashPayments for WooCommerce Released

    Thank you for this huge contribution! I had an issue on my ubuntu server : After installing woocommerce and the DASH plugin and both activated on wordpress, I was not able to open the "settings" in woocommerce. It didn't show nothing, not even an error... White screen.:sad: When I did...