Hi Ezio.
Thank you!
Updates on 1st Event: https://medium.com/@operaincubator/progression-on-the-1st-community-meetup-f774db9d9c81
Updates on 2nd Event:
Like you already since I'm Malaysian :D
Our target market is currently developers looking to get into learning more on the blockchain technology and cryptocurrency
Hello everybody, HuiChi here from Opera Incubator. I would like to thank the Dash community for voting on my last proposal for Dash meetups. Our first Dash meetup was hugely successful! It was held in University College Cork and attracted 120 people, mostly computer...
I understand what you mean by target market. However, this is open to the public hosted in a focused environment - therefore people in attendance are here to learn about Dash. The invite is open to everybody because our aim for these events is to not just help people understand Dash but...
I think there are other people in the Dash space doing things such as giving online lectures about blockchain which is a great idea in my opinion, as education is clearly moving to the digital space. Personally setting up a stall would be a great thing to get everyday people signed up to...
I understand that there are meetups currently around blockchain. But as you can see from my research, most meetups are very niche and relevant to a specific topic in the blockchain and crypto space. What we'd like to run are events on blockchain that brings the whole community of...
Compared to other proposals I've noted, this proposal is for SIX events. There has been previous proposals for one event which is as close to or equivalent to my costings that has been funded. Too expensive? I think not. As you can see for yourself, the cost has been broken down and...