New Dash Branding Images Released, We Need Your Help!
Just recently announced were some lovely new branding images that were created to help the crypto publications display our new logo instead of the outdated old one. We're working hard to spread the word, but we may need all of your help at...
HexaDashers! | Hex Staking Strategies and the Latest in Dash
Please enjoy the second HexaDashers podcast, with CATV host Tao of Satoshi and Blake Chamness. Get ready to learn about Dash and HEX, and how the two are perfect complements to each other. Hex Vegas meetup, and constructive criticism...
I love these community-building initiatives! They take awhile to get off the ground, but if you do it right, it's great for morale. Keep up the good work.
Your first point is true, you have to establish a link between two parties before you can by via username. However, as @GrandMasterDash said, you are free to pay to address if you'd like before that happens. As for your second point, this is the first I'm hearing about this as addresses are not...
This diagram was posted by Andy Freer on the Dash Developer Discord. It shows how the flow of Evolution works, from the end user to the Dash network. What do you think? I for one can't wait to get this purring engine on mainnet.
Thanks for the answers, and for setting an example for the rest of the community. This place deserves to be frequented more, and the more we talk about Dash's benefits, the more newcomers will be able to understand them. Great work, all!
Yup, the idea, while likely a good idea as a concept, is not likely easy to implement in a system such as Dash's. Still good to talk about and spitball.
Yes, very. I thought it would be much longer than that. Although I guess that probably includes some OGs that migrated to more powerful VPS...
Yeah, Dash's main message was always about being a digital cash, with all of the aspects of physical cash. But, in the future, if it is deemed beneficial to add some game theory to the masternode layer, the HEX model is a good place to start. We could have our cake (payments) and eat it too...
If you are a dummy like me and really (I mean really) liked Dashman, this is a worthy replacement for it that is completely up-to-date with the latest Dash tech. Running a masternode in the new more demanding technical environment will be a lot easier with this tool. Thanks to @strophy and...
Yup, that's a good one, too. I'm sure these aspects of Dash will become even more sophisticated as time goes on, with many new features made possible by Evolution.
So exciting! You hit the nail on the head with this post.
Thanks. I believe the time is now for action, in the period leading up...
I think that Dash should maybe implement something similar to HEX where hodling longer is incentivized. Longer contracts pay better, and penalties result for breaking your contract. Penalties that will be divided amongst the other masternode owners that are honoring their contract. This appears...
Consider this the first post I will make under a new initiative to visit the Dash Forum more often. Please consider joining me and making a couple of posts a day to show that we are actually alive and contributing to the project. Let's not have the majority of our interactions in a place...