you can google some details and look at the forum on how to do it, but i think we should do research first on the true effect of switching to something like duff or mdash or µdash. like friend was saying. if any change was to happen we need concrete evidence that it helps someone other then...
no it is not, you can change it to duff in the wallet though which means its implemented, but i do not think there is any current use and thus no symbol for it
its just there
sounds like a really neat idea! are you going to implement this or is this just an idea for anyone to try on their own? I am very interested in how this would work out in practice
I see both sides of the argument and personally I see doing a full on currency change is highly extreme as dash core has essentially already said. But more importantly, I also share the views of most people on this forum in that, spending 0.02142857143 dash ($3 USD) on a jar of pickles is...