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Search results

  1. D

    Pre- Proposal "Weekly Dash Proposals Awareness Videos"

    There are many great proposals that Dash Detailed do not address. My videos will focus exclusively on funded proposals.
  2. D

    Pre- Proposal "Weekly Dash Proposals Awareness Videos"

    Weekly Dash Proposals Awareness Videos Purpose of Proposal The reason for this proposal is to create awareness of the awesome projects that get funded every month but receive little or no publicity beyond the master node owners who vote on them. For example I recently made a video publicizing...
  3. D

    Proposal Evaluation Committee

    So you guys will get to decide which proposals will get voted on and which ones wont. Sound like a lot of power in the hands of a few people.
  4. D

    Reduction in proposal fee to 1 Dash (Pre-Proposal)

    I really like this proposal.