This is a very frustrating thread to read. It should be clear to everyone attached to this project that InstantSend is our meal ticket. It's the reason to use Dash. Without it, we're Litecoin. InstantSend must become the default transaction type, and it must go into every wallet and ATM and...
Something doesn't smell right. Indiesquare has been in the App store for over a year. It's a Bitcoin and Counterparty wallet, and it supports Counterparty tokens like Bitcrystals and Storjcoin-X. Counterparty is not one of the Approved Six, but there it is.
Voted yes.
We are in a new league of budgeting now. In January 2016, with a 35k monthly budget, this proposal would not have been possible. Today, we actually have a little bit of a chance to catch up to, and maybe even surpass Bitcoin. Bitcoin has a five year head start, but recently...
His 'Bitcache' plan isn't going to work, right?
He wants to link megaupload files with uncensorable microtransactions on Bitcoin's blockchain. But Bitcoin microtransactions are being kicked off the...
1. Dash has great fundamentals. 2. At the D10e conference, Dash got a fantastic endorsement by John McAfee. 3. A large sell wall at 0.015 btc/dash was just pulled. 4. Top cryptocurrencies, lead by Ethereum, are generally moving up, while there are articles floating around highlighting how...
The ASIC resistance was by design, and with a 2 year expected resistance (which became the case). It was never advertised by the developers as ASIC proof. For that feature, go read up on Vertcoin.
The creation of X11 was done intentionally to repeat Bitcoin's history, so that interest in Dash...
If it's abstract contract services and tokens you want, there is Counterparty, which is hosted on Bitcoin. Counterparty is testing its own version of the Ethereum Virtual Machine / Solidity. The Counterparty protocol (which is completely open source) could be ported for use on the Dash...
Hey that's a pretty ancient comment you found there. Please don't dig up old bones, because it takes things out of context. Back in Feb you still pretty new and were spamming the Dash forum. You've since done some pretty cool things for Dash. I think we've all matured past this.
I'm witnessing a less complicated version of what you describing, right now. The Waves platform launched today. Their setup to receive ICO coins is rather cool. Using an HTML-based client, you enter a 12 word pass phrase of your choice (or they generate one for you). You can use a BIP39 nmemonic...
I bought a little bit of TheDAO. However, I believe TheDAO is really suited for 'the Ethereum clan'. Because I was not an Ethereum ICO investor and did not invest in $2 Ethereum once released, I think putting loads of my BTC to work in Ethereum and its kin is expensive and inefficient at this...
Now that V12.1 is up on testnet, I would like to bump this topic to see if we should start looking around again for a code auditor.
Is anyone familiar with John Conner from VCash? He seems to know his way around the Bitcoin core code. He's rumored to have found exploits in Peercoin as well as...
I've been cheating on DASH with Lisk. A few months back I sold a masternode to invest in Lisk. I know, I know, but I had a good vibe on this one :cool: . Today, I've sold enough Lisk to restore the MN I borrowed, plus make a substantial investment in the Waves ICO, and I still have 70% of my...
If you take a look at the Ethereum Mist wallet, you'll see Shifty, the integrated Shapeshift function. I've used it and it's really elegant. Shapeshift integration for Dash Evolution would be amazing.
Can nodes of the thunder network be trusted? Who will run the nodes, why will they run them, and how will they be paid? Dash has pretty good answers to these questions.
I've been there. Avoid alcohol, rest your arms and hands, and take benfotiamine ( synthetic B1). Also, you should know that carpal tunnel is a generic, first symptom expression for neuritis somewhere in your body. You may have a nerve entrapment in a seemingly unrelated area.
I disagree there. Wright happens to know a thing or two about cryptography, and he walks us through a small lesson on verifying cryptographic keys right on his blog.