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  1. B

    X11 ASIC Baikal Mini Miner Spec

    Be aware with that mail, it's not from baikalminer.com, the original manufacturer and the only original seller, they don't support any reseller, it's asicminermarket instead. I have chat long time with people from baikal in skype becase of this problem (if link other forums not allowed please...
  2. B

    X11 ASIC Baikal Mini Miner Spec

    Thanks, herbalist420, I have contacted them and I have received a very good support. If any of you are thinking about buying a Baikal miner, contact baikal via skype before buying it through a reseller. Lot better. Sure.
  3. B

    X11 ASIC Baikal Mini Miner Spec

    It did not work. I'm able to install manually the driver in the correct version stated in the updating pdf (STTub30 but the miner continues appearing as non identified, With the STM Device in DFU Mode name but with exclamation tip. When I start zadig and load it from device list it...
  4. B

    X11 ASIC Baikal Mini Miner Spec

    Thanks, I have had some problems getting to it but finally I have found it and, I hope, I have been able to install it using the.inf file added. Will post if this solve the problem. Thanks again.
  5. B

    X11 ASIC Baikal Mini Miner Spec

    Yes, as you said it's necessary to install the driver, but when I run zadig 2.1.2 to do it, it doesn't allow me to install it as the device is not recognized in the device administrator. And I haven't found any way to install directly a STM driver in my system. :confused:
  6. B

    X11 ASIC Baikal Mini Miner Spec

    Thanks for the answer but I have followed the guide step by step and all works very well till the moment I connect Baikal to my PC via the USB special cable. Instead of STM Device in DFU Mode, the device appear as unknown device. I have tried also the advanced restart + F7 windows init to be...
  7. B

    X11 ASIC Baikal Mini Miner Spec

    Hi all, I have purchased one of this and it works very nice, but only with X11 algo. I have to update the firmware, I have downloaded all the necesary but when I plug the USB to my pc (leds blinking and so on) my pc (windows10) is not capable to detect it (error 43). I have tried most of the...